Closing Fantasy 14 Endwalker delayed to December 2021

“We sincerely apologise for postponing the release at the last minute on this occasion. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is both the latest expansion pack for the...

Microsoft readies to enter metaverse with Mesh for Groups

Microsoft has unveiled its plans to enter the metaverse with Mesh for Microsoft Teams, which will roll out next year. Microsoft's latest innovation will...

Commonplace video video video video video games on Change typically won’t...

Born right in the golden age of nostalgia for today’s adults, I played the consoles that I wished I still owned. The Playstation and...

All of the iOS 15 settings it is good to vary...

With this year's iPhone 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max, Apple's iPhone lineup now includes eight devices ranging in size and price, from the compact iPhone SE to...

BioWare Shares Mass Impact Teaser Picture On A Quiet N7 Day

The month of November may signal the coming of the end of the year, but for Mass Effect fans, it holds even more meaning thanks to N7...